Follow the movements at home for a tough HIIT workout - no equipment necessary! Scegli il corso più adatto alle tue esigenze e iscriviti online. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Find out more how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. Select the length of contract that best suits you.
Our Active Me (Club Only) membership gives you full access to our Paya Labar club and all its facilities at any time. ZUU has over 1unique moves that work your aerobic and anaerobic systems. Virgin Active Academy è in Via Alessio di Tocqueville, a Milano. Named after each animal as inspiration, your body moves more naturally to get better.
Not only that Zuu is about working as a team, so you get to have fun in a group working hard and burning lots of calories! Scegli in Italia tra club pensati per fare stare bene tutta la famiglia. For more fitness reviews and workout ideas visit Redonline. Iron Zuu is a combination of traditional gym-style weights – bicep curls, shoulder presses and squats with the bar – and movement, which basically means bear crawls, frog squats, and a truly horrendous exercise that involves stepping one foot forward and twisting while maintaining a squat position (this was by far the hardest bit!).
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